Corporate Solutions

5Es In People Management
Advanced Leadership! Giving Leaders that Advantage Edge!
Applying Critical Thinking at Work
Applying Emotional Quotient - EQ at the Workplace
Balancing Time for Effective Stress Management
Balancing Your Life With Stress Management
Business Ethics
Change management for the 21st Century
Changing Your Mindset - Teaming For Results
Coaching And Counselling In The Workplace
Corporate Success Through Balance Scorecard
Creative & Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making
Creative Thinking In Problem Solving
Crisis Management using a Psychological Approach
Delegation & Motivation
Development Program for Secretary & Clerical
Effective Meeting Skills
Effective Problem Solving & Decision Making
Effective Time Management
Emotional Intelligence Leading With Heart & Mind
Enhancing Creative Problem Solving & Analytical Thinking Skills
Frontline Management – Leverage on your strength
Gearing Up To High Performance Coaching Success
Great Ways to Overcome No Time Dilemma
Holistic Stress Management for Productivity
How To Handle Difficult People With Tact & Skill
Kemahiran Asas Kaunseling - Psikologi Menangani Pekerja Bermasalah
Kemahiran Persembahan Berkesan - Effective Presentation Skills
Kemahiran Teknik Pengurusan Dan Penyeliaan Yang Berkesan
Kursus Jati Diri
Kursus-Kursus Perkhidmatan Untuk Kakitangan Kerajaan
Lead & Motivate Towards Human Capital Development
Leaders Peak! Giving Leaders That Effective Edge!
Leadership Development Programme
Management Effectiveness
Managerial Principles & Concepts
Managing Information Overload
Managing People & Team
Manifesting Your Destiny-Selling the Effortless Way
Motivating Employees for Greater Productivity
Paradigm Shift In Work Performance
Passion To Suceed
Pembangunan Operator Yang Berkesan
Penemuan Kecermelangan Diri dan Ketrampilan Personaliti Melalui Tabiat Kerja Dinamik
Pengurusan Masa Yang Efektif Untuk Kecemerlangan
Pengurusan Stress
Penyampaian Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
Performance Management
Personal Development for Performance Excellence
Personal Effectiveness
Personal Effectiveness Orientation
Personal Enhancement & Productivity Programme
Personal Enrichment Towards Promoting A Positif Team Synergy
Power Learning
Prinsip Pengurusan Perubahan Sikap Dan Minda Untuk Kecemerlangan Dan Kejayaan
Problem Solving And Decision Making Skills
Problem Solving Skills using a psychological approach
Program For Civil Servant
Program Pembangunan Setiausaha
Program-Program Pembangunan Jurulatih / Tenaga Pengajar
Psychological & Physical Self-Defence for Better Work Performance
Psychology of Influencing People at the Workplace
Reduce Stress-Improve Work Performance
Social Skills and Social Value
Stay Motivated & Lead Change Effectively
Strategic Management Using KPI & KRA Framework
Strategic Planning & Management
Stress Management
Successfully Managing Behaviour and Relationship
Supervisory Skills - Leading & Motivating
Supervisory Skills - Planning & Problem Solving
Take Charge
Team Up
Team Up! An Exciting, Motivational & Experiential Teambuilding Programme
Teknik-teknik Meningkatkan Produktiviti
The 7 Leadership Skills of Highly Effective Supervisor & Manager
The Essential Supervisory Skills For Effective Supervisors
The GREAT Master Of Time
The Management Training Program for Middle Level Management
The Thinking Techniques - Effective Thinking For Higher Performance
The Winning Ways of A Corporate Champion
Time & Stress Management
Time Management
Top 5 Characteristics of A Successful Supervisors
Training On Effective Supervisory Skills
Understanding Mental & Emotional Stress
What A Manager Must Know About Financials
What is Effective Leadership